The Vampire Armand by Anne Rice

I don't know what it is (I truly don't) but I am in love with Armand. Way more so than I think was her intention with Lestat. The Vampire Armand is obviously all about Armand and his journey. I think I fell in love with Armand in the middle, when he was becoming the leader of the Children of Darkness in Paris. There is something quiet about Armand. Where Lestat is loud, obnoxious, and quite completely a brat Armand is the opposite. Not saying that he didn't have bratty moments in "his" biography, but they were understood brattiness. You could not help but understand his thoughts.

While I also don't have much to say (not anything nice) about religion, I found myself wanting to understand Armand's devotion. The ending of the novel made complete sense to me. Lestat and Armand understand each other in a way that Louis, David, and even Marius will never understand their Makers and/or children.

While I wish I could say more there is really no words from me that can explain the novel. I rate this 5 out of 5 stars. I love Armand and wish to read more about him than I know I will Lestat. Armand's passion had me in tears at moments and I found myself playing the Appassionata on my cell phone if only to picture Sybelle.
