Penny Dreadful - The Ongoing Series Vol. 3

This is the third installment following the Penny Dreadful series finale. A series which I live more than anything because they are 3 "horror" stories that I simply adore. They were avante garde, before their time, stories that simply.made one think of the consequences of their actions and their spirit.

This particular graphic was beautifully drawn and made me stop many times just to admire the picture. However, the pictures themselves were not the most important items in and of themselves. While they blended with the plot very well, the writing (the commentary) was still well within the characters and their personalities.

My only issue with the graphics is how short they are. I would like to have a few more pages in each installment. This issue is one that I have with all comic book style graphics. But it doesn't stop me from enjoying them. I rate this novel 4 out of 5 stars and cannot wait for the next graphic.
