In this novella, we see how Divine Energy and Mother Earth created the mortals, and how Nyx, daughter of Energy, befriended Earth and tested her two companions, Kalona and Erebus. We read and discover how Kalona struggled with himself, and the divine energy. How the ancient magick tricked him, and he lost his way. It is eerily familiar to another Biblical story but equally makes sense.
I have to clarify that while I do not necessarily believe in God and Heaven, I DO believe in a higher something. I wouldn't necessarily call it power because power implies leadership and servitude. I do not believe that whatever it is intended for servitude as we have a significant characteristic called free will. I have always liked the Star Wars version, Force. Its living and it is powerful but it is not good nor is it evil. It is simply Force.
I also don't believe that people should base their entire being and moral compass on a book or books. They should be used as reference, or guidance. But they should not tell you how you absolutely should live your life. That is for you to decide, hence the free will. It is also not up to anyone else. No one should force their opinions upon others.
Read the series before reading this one. They are Young Adult genre but they should be looked at more deeply and cause the reader to really think about their own life. This book is a 5 out of 5 for giving me more clarity into Kalona, Nyx, Erebus, and even Mother Earth.
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