The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova

This is one of my favorite books of all time. While I have a TBR pile that is beyond getting out of hand, I found myself craving to read this story again. Maybe its because I enjoy Bram Stoker's Dracula so much, or maybe its because of the history that Kostova details into the plot, but I simply cannot bring myself to be scared or disgusted with the more graphic scenes.

One thing about this novel that I am torn about is the lack of who exactly is the narrator. Kostova uses many voices to describe their different encounters on the search for Dracula. However, it is the daughter, or the reader depending on your point of view, that feels my bereft. On one hand I enjoy the ability to read the novel as if it is my diary and these experiences happened to me. On the other, I want to know the daughter more. What's her name, how close does she feel to her father and her mother while reading the various tales?

As I stated Kostova tells the story through various voices. It is exactly like reading a story within a story within a story. There is never just one voice. It never feels confusing as long as you have a able mind to follow each characters progress. The map at the beginning of the book makes it easy. I was happy to track everyone and I used google to get a more visual image of the monasteries and places of import.

For me, this is a novel I will always come back to. For a hint as to how my mind works. If I was in Dracula's shoes, I would definitely create what he created. However, I would hope that I would not be so cruel. To understand what I mean, you have to read the book. I don't wish to give spoilers away. This book is a giant 5 OUT OF 5 STARS from me. 
