When Princess Alexandra calls the girls to look into the case of a personal family friend, the girls automatically know something is afoot. Either Willa Ashton is being duped by a false medium or she's being targeted by the supernatural. Mina Holmes believes one way, but Evaline Stoker is not so quick to judge. Add in some vampires and you got yourself one action packed, can't put down novel that will leave you breathless.
I was so excited when the vampires were finally put into the story. When reading The Clockwork Scarab I was concerned that the plots would be more scientific and practical. However, Colleen Gleason does a wonderful balancing act between the practical and the supernatural that there doesn't appear to be a distance between them. Instead, everything flows consistently and allows the reader's mind to wonder what will happen next.
I really enjoyed the alternate version of England's past. There is no electricity allowed in this version due to a law, but it is secretly being used. There is also more steam based inventions, which leads to the series being qualified as Steampunk. Mina, Evaline calls, is a cognoggin meaning that she uses the gears and gadgets that are associated with steampunk but Mina is also very fashionable. Some of the gadgets I wish I could see because they sound so very interesting. I may be a bit of a cognoggin.
As far as romance goes, there is a little bit, but not enough to take away the plot of the story. I have my ship but others may disagree so read the novels and decide for yourself. With everything stated I must rate this novel 5 out of 5 stars.
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