This is the third installment in the Charlotte Holmes series. The story picks up after the second book when Charlotte Holmes discovers her illegitimate half brother works for Moriarty. In this case, Moriarty had planted Lady Ingram into the home of Charlotte's friend Lord Ingram as a means to spy on the country. However, Lady Ingram has disappeared from her own birthday party. Olivia, Charlotte's sister, and the town gossips soon after discover a body in Lord Ingram's ice house. Charlotte wastes no time coming to her friend's aid, but she must find out just how much her brother knows.
It was so easy to follow that I found it boring. I was waiting and waiting for some complex situation to arise that I didn't even realize that it was over until I turned the back cover. For the most part it was a rehash of book 2. There are some novels that are called "filler" novels, and I finally found one.
As for the relationship between Lord Ingram and Charlotte. At this point I'm not sure if anything is going to happen. Between the two and their reluctance to the other, I feel like they get in their own way. I won't hold my breathe for more, but I will be extremely happy if it happens.
I rated the novel 3 out of 5 stars, because the pace was too slow for me. I needed a little something more to really love it like I did the first two.
It was so easy to follow that I found it boring. I was waiting and waiting for some complex situation to arise that I didn't even realize that it was over until I turned the back cover. For the most part it was a rehash of book 2. There are some novels that are called "filler" novels, and I finally found one.
As for the relationship between Lord Ingram and Charlotte. At this point I'm not sure if anything is going to happen. Between the two and their reluctance to the other, I feel like they get in their own way. I won't hold my breathe for more, but I will be extremely happy if it happens.
I rated the novel 3 out of 5 stars, because the pace was too slow for me. I needed a little something more to really love it like I did the first two.
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